![]() | TPOMBA organizes a wide variety of in person and online events throughout the year for its member families. Due to restrictions related to the Covid-19 pandemic, we took a brief pause on in person events and instead utilized the technology available to us to host a number of online events including socials, education events and fun programming for babies and kids. Once restrictions were lifted, we were delighted to start bringing back our in person events again, such as our Twice-Loved Sale, High Park Picnic, and Halloween Party. We've also added some new events such as our "Big Kids" (ages 2+) event at Treetop Trekking in Stoufville. And we hope to resume our POM socials soon! All of our expert speaker events continue to remain online, including our popular (and accessible to the public) Expectant Parents' Night, which is hosted quarterly. Our semi-annual consignment sale lets members resell gently used clothing, toys, books, equipment, and more to each other and to the public. Member shopping also starts an hour before public shopping. High Park PicnicAn annual tradition, and the best way to start the summer! All member families are welcome for fun in the park with bouncy castles, face painting, balloon animals, caricatures and crafts. Halloween PartyEver popular, our annual Halloween party is for members only! Bring the kids (costumes encouraged!) to an indoor playground for snacks, crafts, and playtime. POMs SocialsParents of Multiples (POMs) groups are the backbone of TPOMBA. Smaller, local POMs groups meet monthly at members' homes for socializing and support. Big Kids EventsWe don't forget about the kids once they start to grow up! We plan and offer events that are fun for families with school-aged kids too. Expert Speakers and WebinarsFor members, TPOMBA offers occasional expert speakers, in person or as an online webinar, on topics of interest to parents. Previous speakers have dealt with topics like Potty Training, Body Safety and Awareness, and Work-Life Balance. Annual General MeetingOnce a year in June, all members are welcome at the Annual General Meeting of the Membership. Members of the Executive Committee let members know what they've been up to all year on behalf of the membership, and what their plans for the role are for the future. |