SAVE THE DATE- no registration required but please note that only active members can attend and participate in the fun.
Join us for our annual family picnic, set this year for Saturday, June 1st, from 11am to 3pm at High Park (click here to view a map of the park and location of picnic areas 2 and 3 near Bloor Street West).
We are so excited to welcome back our members and meet so many new faces! Once again, the family picnic promises to be a fantastic day filled with activities for kids of all ages!
IMPORTANT: This event is only open to TPOM member families. We will verify your name against our membership list when you arrive. Find out about the benefits for members here or check your membership status here.
This website and contents ©2018-2021
Toronto Parents of Multiple Births Association
PO Box 20005
Maple RPO
Southbrook ON L6A4M4